about me

My name is Natalie Morrissey.

My mission is to facilitate your horse’s natural ability to heal and regain inner balance through Bodywork, Craniosacral Therapy, Lymph Massage, Kinesiology Taping, and Herbal Formulations.

In order for your horse to be in their best health, their body must be in balance, which is achieved through good nutrition, exercise, and understanding their limitations.  I incorporate Traditional Chinese Medicine philosophy, which believes “the body, mind, and spirit are all connected and must work harmoniously with each other in order to promote wellness”, with Ayurvedic Medicine philosophy, which is based on the idea that illness occurs when there is an imbalance between your body, mind and soul. 

I received my professional training from Equinology Educational Institution, Upledger Institute, Holistic Equine Academy of Lymphedema,  Holistic Animal Studies by Angel’s Animals, and the East-West School of Planetary Herbology.